Mokymai “Nuo teisių iki pasakų”
Šiuos mokymus vedė projekto partneris iš Rumunijos Pirvu Ionika. Mokymų metu lektorius akcentavo pamokos plano svarbą, kaip jį susikurti. Kaip pereiti nuo pasakos iki vaidinimo, akcentavo, kad skaitytojo ar žiūrovo…
Erasmus+ KA204 Project " RIGHTS"
Active Citizenship and Senior People Role in the Society - n. 2019-1-IT02-KA204-063346
Šiuos mokymus vedė projekto partneris iš Rumunijos Pirvu Ionika. Mokymų metu lektorius akcentavo pamokos plano svarbą, kaip jį susikurti. Kaip pereiti nuo pasakos iki vaidinimo, akcentavo, kad skaitytojo ar žiūrovo…
Mokslininkai pripažįsta, kad knyga apie Pinokį yra laikoma literatūros klasika, nes šioje knygoje randami trys klasikai keliami reikalavimai: pirma, knyga turi būti skaitoma, antra, tekste turi slypėti galimybė perskaityti jį…
With a little creativity, built by an elderly carpenter from our community and painted by a local artist, we present a new model of a suitcase, with several windows for…
Llegar a hablar de los derechos a través de una representación con marionetas del pasaje de Don Quijote conocido como “El retablo de Maese Pedro” ha supuesto muchas horas de…
Pîrvu Ionică, Asociația SINAPTICA Post Views: 4.731
Jurgita Vaitiekūnienė Post Views: 31.227
“The corbel of Giuliana” is a story related to the legend of El Cid. It is also linked to the built of the local hermitage. It is the story on…
Înainte de vacanța de vară, 60 de copii au putut urmări două reprezentații cu Pinocchio și Gepetto. Păpușile și seniorii care le-au mânuit au povestit copiilor despre drepturi și importanța…
Prima întâlnire a copiilor din Drobeta Turnu-Severin cu Pinocchio, într-o reprezentație organizată de Biblioteca Județeană ”I.G. Bibicescu” Mehedinți. Cei 22 de mici spectatori au vorbit cu păpușile și au putut…
Panevėžio „Šaltinio“ progimnazijos lietuvių kalbos mokytoja Jolanta Švėgždienė Pinokio istorija jau daugiau nei šimtą metų gyvuoja knygų puslapiuose, teatro scenose, kino ekranuose. Susidomėjimas ja nesilpdamas keliauja iš kartos į kartą.…
Povestea lui Pinocchio, împreună cu întregul kit păpușeresc, a ajuns la Biblioteca Județeană “I.G. Bibicescu” din Drobeta Turnu-Severin. Primirea a fost foarte călduroasă și s-a transformat într-o reprezentație ad-hoc pentru…
Păpușile din povestea Ileana Sâmziana au ajuns la clasa a VII-a a Școlii Gimnaziale nr. 3 din Codlea, județul Brașov. Câțiva copii au dorit să dea viață personajelor și, sub…
Have you seen tales from a suitcase? When a simple wooden box turns into the first nag in the world, a rusty old grater – shining knight’s armor, and a…
Fairy suitcase together with Don Quixote and his companions met the students. Seniors, playing Don Quixote’s characters became advocates of fundamental human rights, such as the rights to dignity, and…
We are presenting the preparation stages for “Don Quixote” in Panevezys region. The cast:a senior Liucija Siauciuniene, Audrius Dauksa and a librarian Lida Zukauskaite. Post Views: 6.421
Human rights are the norms of behavior, morals and social values that have developed in the history of the development of society and are aimed at protecting human dignity. The…
Rights project is enhancing senior’s skills, taking their long experience and knowledge in different fields as a treasure. During last months, a group of students participated in a workshop related…
Creation of puppet's heads with 3D printer
The Education Centre together with the Raguva Cultural Centre continues the project „RIGHTS. Active citizenship and the role of the elderly in society“. While unique suitcases to travel with dolls…
Panevezys Third Age University Raguva faculty students are getting ready for the project activities.The puppets for the first fairy tale Kursiukas have been made: princess, king, and king’s adviser. The…
Panevezys region Municipality public library is a partner of the project Erasmus + „ Rights. Active Citizenship and the Role of Seniors in a Society“, which is being implemented by…
While continuing to work with Erasmus +KA2 project „Rights. Active citizenship and the role of seniors in a society“the seniors in Raguva are making a suitcase of fairy tales. In…
Design and fashion workshop for seniors