How to make puppets using recycled garments
How to make puppets using recycled garments
Erasmus+ KA204 Project " RIGHTS"
Active Citizenship and Senior People Role in the Society - n. 2019-1-IT02-KA204-063346
How to make puppets using recycled garments
In some meetings with elderly people it was possible to participate in the making of the puppets, costumes and decorations. Post Views: 5.547
An old man, retired carpenter built a replica of the existing suitcase! Another senior who liked the model of the suitcases, and who enjoys woodworking in his free time, decided…
As part of the RIGHTS project, several creative workshops were held in the library of the school in Cuba, with 2nd and 3rd cycle students, between 21 and 25 February.…
Panevėžio ,,Šaltinio“ progimnazijos lietuvių kalbos mokytoja metodininkė Jolanta Švėgždienė Post Views: 4.816
Copilul cel Înțelept este o poveste despre familie, despre dreptul la îngrijire și o parabolă despre importanța justiției și a găsirii dreptății. Copiii vor putea afla cât de important este…
Ileana Sîmziana (de două ori), Pinocchio (de două ori), Copilul cel înțelept (o dată)…. personajele unor frumoase povești transformate în piese de teatru. Toate aceste păpuși au fost realizate cu…
Dear teachers, you are going to see amazing puppets made by using the felting technique. It is currently very popular in Lithuania. I hope you will try it too. Post…
From tale to rights - how to make a lesson plan
Creation of puppet's heads with 3D printer
How to create the Rights Theatres and puppets
How to make Puppets' Clothes