Mokymai “Nuo teisių iki pasakų”
Šiuos mokymus vedė projekto partneris iš Rumunijos Pirvu Ionika. Mokymų metu lektorius akcentavo pamokos plano svarbą, kaip jį susikurti. Kaip pereiti nuo pasakos iki vaidinimo, akcentavo, kad skaitytojo ar žiūrovo…
Mokymai “Išlaisvinkime kūrybiškumą: ką pasakos kalba apie žmogaus teises”
Mokslininkai pripažįsta, kad knyga apie Pinokį yra laikoma literatūros klasika, nes šioje knygoje randami trys klasikai keliami reikalavimai: pirma, knyga turi būti skaitoma, antra, tekste turi slypėti galimybė perskaityti jį…
Presentation “Adventures of Pinochio”
Post Views: 7 934
3rd. project’s meeting – Lithuania
Transnational Project Meeting 6th – 9 th May 2022 – Panevezys (LT) Minute Post Views: 6 931
1st. European Project’s training course
Held in Verona from 2nd. to 18th. of November 2021 into the Main civic municipality library Agenda del corso Modules of the training course 1st Module: How to build a…
Camminiamo diritti – Libro dei racconti degli alunni sui diritti
Racconti sui diritti a cura degli alunni di diverse scuole veronesi partecipanti al progetto Rights
Cum să jucați teatrul de păpuși într-o bibliotecă
Înregistrare a unei reprezentații de la Biblioteca Județeană “I.G. Bibicescu” Mehedinți Post Views: 6 426
A new model of suitcase of tales
With a little creativity, built by an elderly carpenter from our community and painted by a local artist, we present a new model of a suitcase, with several windows for…
Cum să jucați teatrul de păpuși într-o școală
Înregistrare a unei reprezentații la Școala Gimnazială nr. 3 din Codlea Post Views: 8 498
Cum să jucați teatrul de păpuși într-un muzeu
O înregistrare din timpul unei reprezentații la Muzeul Casa Mureșenilor din Brașov Post Views: 7 193
European Training course in Poland
The second training course was held in Krakow from 18 to 23 April 2022.The aim of the course was to provide participants with theoretical and practical tools to implement project…
Cum să jucați teatrul de păpuși în aer liber
Înregistrare din timpul unei reprezentații de la Muzeul Municipal Câmpulung Post Views: 6 200
2nd. Project’s meeting Portugal
Transnational Project Meeting 9th – 12 th May 2022 – Cuba (PT) Agenda and minute Post Views: 12 355
How to make puppets using recycled garments
How to make puppets using recycled garments
1st. Project meeting in Verona
First transnational project meeting – Verona 10 – 14 December 2019 Agenda and minute Post Views: 65 943
Output 07 – A Bridge Between Generations
Output 07 - Rights - A Bridge Between Generations
¡Por la libertad! Los derechos en las obras de la literatura universal. Representaciones del CEPA Antonio Machado
El espectáculo propuesto se basa en el retablo de Maese Pedro. En la adaptación realizada lo han titulado “El Retablillo” y lo han llevado a cabo alumnado y profesorado del…
Los derechos en los cuentos- Representación final del CEPA Doña Jimena
Después de un año de seguir trabajando sobre los derechos. Los adultos mayores de este centro han participado junto a su directora en foros y congresos de educación de adultos…
Los derechos en los cuentos. Representación del CEPA Doña Jimena
La primera de las representaciones del proyecto Rights tuvo lugar en un San Esteban de Gormaz, un pueblo de la provincia de Soria. Fue en marzo de 2021, al aire…
Los derechos en los cuentos y obras de la literatura universal- Representación del CEPA Conde de Aranda
Los derechos en la maleta en uno de los colegios de Aranda de Duero
Presentation of “JACINTA, THE ASTUTE”
This fairy tale is the third tale chosen and worked on by the partners from Portugal. Work developed by the theatre teacher with her students, within the Cuba Educa+ project…
In some meetings with elderly people it was possible to participate in the making of the puppets, costumes and decorations. Post Views: 5 577
Construction of suitcases
An old man, retired carpenter built a replica of the existing suitcase! Another senior who liked the model of the suitcases, and who enjoys woodworking in his free time, decided…
The “Convention on the Rights of the Child” exhibition was on display to the public at the Cuba Municipal Library and at the Cuba School library during the last month…
RIGHTS AT SCHOOL – Creating puppets with the pupils of the school group of Cuba
As part of the RIGHTS project, several creative workshops were held in the library of the school in Cuba, with 2nd and 3rd cycle students, between 21 and 25 February.…
The Adventures of Pinocchio- Vocational School
The students from Cuba’s Professional School performed a puppet show for the 4th year classes of Cuba’s School Grouping. This initiative, which aims to promote human rights through fairy tales,…
This activity, part of the development of the RIGHTS project and the commemoration of the international month of school libraries, promoted a playful approach to human rights through a dramatized…
Output 01 – Handbook Rights in the tales
Output 01 - Handbook Rights in the tales
Output 03 – How to manage non formal educational activities in class
OUTPUT 03 - How to manage non formal educational activities in classroom
Entre bambalinas
Llegar a hablar de los derechos a través de una representación con marionetas del pasaje de Don Quijote conocido como “El retablo de Maese Pedro” ha supuesto muchas horas de…
A group of students from the cooking workshop at the Adult center “Doña Jimena” with venues in the villages of San Esteban de Gormaz and El Burgo de Osma (Soria)…
Performance of the RIGTHS project for seniors in Kraków
On Monday we executed another performance of the Don Quixote fairy tale as part of the RIGHTS project. The performance was done in the frame of the Multiplier Event activity…
Le favole dei diritti – Aleardo Aleardi 2 Verona
Le favole dei diritti - Aleardo Aleardi 2 Verona
Le favole dei diritti – Aleardo Aleardi Verona
Le favole dei diritti - Aleardo Aleardi Verona
Le favole dei Diritti – Primaria Virgo Carmeli Verona
Le favole dei Diritti - Primaria Virgo Carmeli Verona
Le favole dei diritti – scuola : Primaria Rodari Verona
Le favole dei diritti - scuola : Primaria Rodari Verona
Le favole dei diritti – scuola : Primaria Dall’Oca Bianca – Verona
Le favole dei diritti - scuola : Primaria Dall'Oca Bianca - Verona
Le Favole dei diritti – scuola Aleardo Aleardi Verona
Le Favole dei diritti - scuola Aleardo Aleardi Verona
Le favole dei diritti – scuola : Aleardo Aleardi Verona
Le favole dei diritti - scuola : Aleardo Aleardi Verona
Le Favole dei diritti – scuola : Massimo D’Azelio – Verona
Le Favole dei diritti - scuola : Massimo D'Azelio - Verona
Le favole dei diritti – I.C. Cesare Marchi – Pizzoletta Verona
Le favole dei diritti - I.C. Cesare Marchi – Pizzoletta Verona
Le favole dei diritti – Primaria M. Vilio Bassone Verona
Le favole dei diritti - Primaria M. Vilio Bassone Verona
Le Favole dei diritti – Scuola Dante Alighieri Castel D’Azzano Verona
Le Favole dei diritti - Scuola Dante Alighieri Castel D'Azzano Verona
Le fiabe dei diritti – Primaria Rodari di verona
Le fiabe dei diritti - Primaria Rodari di verona
Seminaro „Nuo pasakų iki teisių“ medžiaga
Pîrvu Ionică, Asociația SINAPTICA Post Views: 4 730
Seminaro „TEISĖS – aktyvus pilietiškumas ir pagyvenusių žmonių vaidmuo visuomenėje“ medžiaga
Jurgita Vaitiekūnienė Post Views: 31 226
Seminaro “Išlaisvink kūrybiškumą: ką pasakos kalba apie žmogaus teises” medžiaga
Panevėžio ,,Šaltinio“ progimnazijos lietuvių kalbos mokytoja metodininkė Jolanta Švėgždienė Post Views: 4 855
Le Favole incontrano i diritti – Gianni Rodari primaria Verona
Le Favole incontrano i diritti - Gianni Rodari primaria Verona classi : 2^ A e 2^ B
Video rappresentazione presso Virgo Carmeli
Rappresentazione di Pinocchio - la storia di Falcone e Borsellino - 6 Aprile 2022
Le Favole incontrano i diritti – Primaria Virgo Carmeli Verona
Le Favole incontrano i diritti - Primaria Virgo Carmeli Verona
Final performance of the RIGHTS project in Poland
On 20.06.2022 in Kraków took place final performace of the RIGHTS project performed by Krakow Senior Center and Association ARID. This performance was a summarising of the long lasting work…
History, Art, Rights! A guided tour with puppets.
“The corbel of Giuliana” is a story related to the legend of El Cid. It is also linked to the built of the local hermitage. It is the story on…
Teachers training in Panevezys, Lithuania
Few days ago a workshop of the RIGHTS project took place in Panevezys Education Center . They were involved in creating puppet theater scripts from fairy tales to rights. Pirvu…
Training in puppets theater in Kraków
All the participants of the RIGHTS project training which took place in Kraków on April 2022 had a great time learning fun facts about theatre puppets and presenting their scenarios…
Puppets workshops in Kraków
Kraków is open for puppet theater! Theater workshops for children 6-14 years old, conducted in Ukrainian, are a new offer of the Groteska Theater. Classes are held throughout April, May…
Staff training in Poland
Few days ago a workshop of the RIGHTS project took place in Kraków. They concerned the development of scripts for a puppet theatre. The show will show children human rights…
Promotion of the RIGHTS project in Kraków
We have promoted our project and the idea in Kraków, on 07.06.2022. We invited seniors, parents and adults to take part in the follow up of the project and also…
Pinocchio. A treia reprezentație la Brașov
34 de elevi ai clasei a II-a de la Școala Gimnazială nr. 3 din Brașov a ajuns la Casa Baciu – Muzeul Casa Mureșenilor unde s-au întâlnit cu Pinocchio. După…
Pinocchio, din nou, la Muzeul Casa Mureșenilor, Brașov
A doua reprezentație a lui Pinocchio, pentru 23 de copii, la Casa Baciu. Povestea, atât de cunoscută, a căpătat o altă înfățișare, transformată în teatru de păpuși. Copiii au putut…
Preparation of the performance for children in Kraków, Poland ( part 2)
Association ARID in continuos cooperation with Senior Center from Nowa Huta in Kraków are in on the final stege of preparation performance for seniors and children. Here you can see…
Preparation of the performance for children in Kraków, Poland ( part 1)
Association ARID in cooperation with Senior Center from Nowa Huta in Kraków are in progress of preparation performance for target groups ( seniors and children). Here you can see short…
Două reprezentații Pinocchio în Drobeta Turnu-Severin, RO
Înainte de vacanța de vară, 60 de copii au putut urmări două reprezentații cu Pinocchio și Gepetto. Păpușile și seniorii care le-au mânuit au povestit copiilor despre drepturi și importanța…
Pinocchio la Muzeul Casa Mureșenilor, Brașov, RO
De Ziua Copilului, Pinoccho s-a întâlnit cu 7 copii și părinții lor, într-o reprezentație organizată de Muzeul Casa Mureșenilor din Brașov. Povestea atât de cunoscută a permis spectatorilor de toate…
Pinocchio, la BJ-Mehedinți, RO
Prima întâlnire a copiilor din Drobeta Turnu-Severin cu Pinocchio, într-o reprezentație organizată de Biblioteca Județeană ”I.G. Bibicescu” Mehedinți. Cei 22 de mici spectatori au vorbit cu păpușile și au putut…
Berniukas, vardu Pinokis
Panevėžio „Šaltinio“ progimnazijos lietuvių kalbos mokytoja Jolanta Švėgždienė Pinokio istorija jau daugiau nei šimtą metų gyvuoja knygų puslapiuose, teatro scenose, kino ekranuose. Susidomėjimas ja nesilpdamas keliauja iš kartos į kartą.…
Pinocchio la Drobeta Turnu-Severin, RO
Povestea lui Pinocchio, împreună cu întregul kit păpușeresc, a ajuns la Biblioteca Județeană “I.G. Bibicescu” din Drobeta Turnu-Severin. Primirea a fost foarte călduroasă și s-a transformat într-o reprezentație ad-hoc pentru…
The rights of the school – a school for the rights
13th. and 14th. November 2021 By Granguardia Verona Building Post Views: 28 748
Ileana Sâmziana în spectacol la Codlea – Brașov
Păpușile din povestea Ileana Sâmziana au ajuns la clasa a VII-a a Școlii Gimnaziale nr. 3 din Codlea, județul Brașov. Câțiva copii au dorit să dea viață personajelor și, sub…
Cuba hosted, from 9 to 13 May, another transnational meeting of the RIGHTS project. Entities from Italy, Poland, Lithuania, Romania and Spain were hosted by Make it Better for another…
Short guidelines to build a puppet drama
Post Views: 55 828
Copilul cel Înțelept – personajele create în Brașov, România
Copilul cel Înțelept este o poveste despre familie, despre dreptul la îngrijire și o parabolă despre importanța justiției și a găsirii dreptății. Copiii vor putea afla cât de important este…
Păpușile create în Brașov, România
Ileana Sîmziana (de două ori), Pinocchio (de două ori), Copilul cel înțelept (o dată)…. personajele unor frumoase povești transformate în piese de teatru. Toate aceste păpuși au fost realizate cu…
Pinocchio – păpușile create în Brașov, România
Inegalabila creație a lui Goldoni și cele două personaje principale ale sale povestesc despre dreptul la familie, dreptul la educație și dreptul la îngrijire. Păpușile, având diferite înfățișări, vorbesc despre…
Ileana Sîmziana, o poveste din România
Ileana Sîmziana, o poveste cu cinci personaje despre egalitatea dintre femei și bărbați. O prințesă eroină care dovedește că și fetele pot să facă tot ceea ce fac băieții (și…
Have you seen tales from a suitcase?
Have you seen tales from a suitcase? When a simple wooden box turns into the first nag in the world, a rusty old grater – shining knight’s armor, and a…
Don Quixote’s meeting with children
Fairy suitcase together with Don Quixote and his companions met the students. Seniors, playing Don Quixote’s characters became advocates of fundamental human rights, such as the rights to dignity, and…
How to make puppets using wool felting technique
Dear teachers, you are going to see amazing puppets made by using the felting technique. It is currently very popular in Lithuania. I hope you will try it too. Post…
The project activities in Lithuania
We are presenting the preparation stages for “Don Quixote” in Panevezys region. The cast:a senior Liucija Siauciuniene, Audrius Dauksa and a librarian Lida Zukauskaite. Post Views: 6 419
The Characters of Fairy Tales Help to Talk and Be Understood
Human rights are the norms of behavior, morals and social values that have developed in the history of the development of society and are aimed at protecting human dignity. The…
From Tale to rights
From tale to rights - how to make a lesson plan
Blueprints of a suitcase-stage inspired by Kamashibai
Rights project is enhancing senior’s skills, taking their long experience and knowledge in different fields as a treasure. During last months, a group of students participated in a workshop related…
Aree dell’apprendimento, come fare scuola senza mettere i voti – esempi già funzionanti
Incontro con Ferdinando Ciani, il 9 aprile 2021 alle ore 17.00 online con la sua esperienza di Aree dell’apprendimento, come fare scuola senza mettere i voti – esempi già funzionanti
Corso di formazione “Philosopy for Children” e didattica – di – ricerca”
La didattica della comunità di ricerca è stata definita all’interno del curricolo della “Philosophy for children” alla luce di una rilettura del pensiero di Dewey. La logica della ricerca, negli…
Creation of the puppet’s heads with 3D printer
Creation of puppet's heads with 3D printer
Puppets in the adult center of Segovia
The Adult Education Center “Antonio Machado” in Segovia made the puppets for the representation of the passage “The alterpiece of Master Pedro”. It is based on chapter XXVI of the…
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights – Add Your Voice
As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights marks its 70th anniversary, hear the voices of United Nations personnel as they recite some of its articles.
Teacher’s and Senior’s Platform
Here any teacher and senior person can find material in national language and English to perform the project’s activity and outputs in any environment. Post Views: 27 508
Application of innovative methods in discussing children‘s rights
The Education Centre together with the Raguva Cultural Centre continues the project „RIGHTS. Active citizenship and the role of the elderly in society“. While unique suitcases to travel with dolls…
Output 2 – How to create the theatres in the suitcase
How to create the Rights Theatres and puppets
Seniors are getting ready
Panevezys Third Age University Raguva faculty students are getting ready for the project activities.The puppets for the first fairy tale Kursiukas have been made: princess, king, and king’s adviser. The…
The Suitcase of Fairy Tales
Panevezys region Municipality public library is a partner of the project Erasmus + „ Rights. Active Citizenship and the Role of Seniors in a Society“, which is being implemented by…
In the suitcase of fairy tales the following friendly characters are going to settle down
While continuing to work with Erasmus +KA2 project „Rights. Active citizenship and the role of seniors in a society“the seniors in Raguva are making a suitcase of fairy tales. In…
Patterns and sewings for a tale
Design and fashion workshop for seniors
The adventures of Compass across Europe often mirror the contrasted reality of human rights education: promoted here and combated there, praised by some and despised by others.
Manual with activities and methods to introduce children to human rights in creative and attractive ways.
Human Rights’ learning app
Presentation of RIGHTS project, 27 Nov. 2020
During a meeting with schools managers, held on 27th of November 2020 in Maramures county, Romania, the RIGHTS project was presented. At the meeting were present 8 managers from Romania…
Castilla & León for “Rights”
Castilla and León minister of Education presents Rights project.
How to make Puppets’ Clothes
How to make Puppets' Clothes