In some meetings with elderly people it was possible to participate in the making of the puppets, costumes and decorations. Post Views: 5.577
Entre bambalinas
Llegar a hablar de los derechos a través de una representación con marionetas del pasaje de Don Quijote conocido como “El retablo de Maese Pedro” ha supuesto muchas horas de…
Ileana Sâmziana în spectacol la Codlea – Brașov
Păpușile din povestea Ileana Sâmziana au ajuns la clasa a VII-a a Școlii Gimnaziale nr. 3 din Codlea, județul Brașov. Câțiva copii au dorit să dea viață personajelor și, sub…
Blueprints of a suitcase-stage inspired by Kamashibai
Rights project is enhancing senior’s skills, taking their long experience and knowledge in different fields as a treasure. During last months, a group of students participated in a workshop related…