During a meeting with schools managers, held on 27th of November 2020 in Maramures county, Romania, the RIGHTS project was presented. At the meeting were present 8 managers from Romania and 4 from Ucraine, all of them from rural or small cities schools.

The presentation includes basic information about the project (aim, objectives, planned activities and results, partners) and some details about the dramatisation of tales. The dramatisation was explained using Pinocchio. After the concept was explained, there was a session of free discussions.

During the discussions, few ideas were underlined:

-the connections between human rights and tales is very useful to teach pupils active citizenship. Especially in an informational universe dominated by social media and free of speech, it is need to have alternatives for disinformation and misinformation.

-the tales’ dramatisation concept can be used for other teaching topics: history, culture, literature and so on. Puppets drama are very visual and quite similar with movie clips largely “consumed” by children on their electronic devices.

-in specific rural areas, the puppets drama were common until 35-40 years ago. That means the grandparents of children might be first-hand viewers of puppets shows during winter customs.

-due the pandemic constrains, there is a real need for digital alternative of puppets show. On option is to record sequences of maximum 10 minutes of show in order to allow teachers to present right and to have interactions with pupils during on-line classes. This is especially need since in Romania and Ucraine, there is a lack of audio-visual educational resources.

However, all the participants expressed a wide interest on actual puppet shows and they are eager to be involved in such a project.

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