RIGHTS AT SCHOOL – Creating puppets with the pupils of the school group of Cuba
As part of the RIGHTS project, several creative workshops were held in the library of the school in Cuba, with 2nd and 3rd cycle students, between 21 and 25 February.…
Erasmus+ KA204 Project " RIGHTS"
Active Citizenship and Senior People Role in the Society - n. 2019-1-IT02-KA204-063346
As part of the RIGHTS project, several creative workshops were held in the library of the school in Cuba, with 2nd and 3rd cycle students, between 21 and 25 February.…
Pîrvu Ionică, Asociația SINAPTICA Post Views: 4.730
Dear teachers, you are going to see amazing puppets made by using the felting technique. It is currently very popular in Lithuania. I hope you will try it too. Post…
Incontro con Ferdinando Ciani, il 9 aprile 2021 alle ore 17.00 online con la sua esperienza di Aree dell’apprendimento, come fare scuola senza mettere i voti – esempi già funzionanti
La didattica della comunità di ricerca è stata definita all’interno del curricolo della “Philosophy for children” alla luce di una rilettura del pensiero di Dewey. La logica della ricerca, negli…