Output 07 – A Bridge Between Generations
Output 07 - Rights - A Bridge Between Generations
¡Por la libertad! Los derechos en las obras de la literatura universal. Representaciones del CEPA Antonio Machado
El espectáculo propuesto se basa en el retablo de Maese Pedro. En la adaptación realizada lo han titulado “El Retablillo” y lo han llevado a cabo alumnado y profesorado del…
Los derechos en los cuentos- Representación final del CEPA Doña Jimena
Después de un año de seguir trabajando sobre los derechos. Los adultos mayores de este centro han participado junto a su directora en foros y congresos de educación de adultos…
Los derechos en los cuentos. Representación del CEPA Doña Jimena
La primera de las representaciones del proyecto Rights tuvo lugar en un San Esteban de Gormaz, un pueblo de la provincia de Soria. Fue en marzo de 2021, al aire…
Los derechos en los cuentos y obras de la literatura universal- Representación del CEPA Conde de Aranda
Los derechos en la maleta en uno de los colegios de Aranda de Duero
Presentation of “JACINTA, THE ASTUTE”
This fairy tale is the third tale chosen and worked on by the partners from Portugal. Work developed by the theatre teacher with her students, within the Cuba Educa+ project…
In some meetings with elderly people it was possible to participate in the making of the puppets, costumes and decorations. Post Views: 5.547
Construction of suitcases
An old man, retired carpenter built a replica of the existing suitcase! Another senior who liked the model of the suitcases, and who enjoys woodworking in his free time, decided…
The “Convention on the Rights of the Child” exhibition was on display to the public at the Cuba Municipal Library and at the Cuba School library during the last month…
RIGHTS AT SCHOOL – Creating puppets with the pupils of the school group of Cuba
As part of the RIGHTS project, several creative workshops were held in the library of the school in Cuba, with 2nd and 3rd cycle students, between 21 and 25 February.…
The Adventures of Pinocchio- Vocational School
The students from Cuba’s Professional School performed a puppet show for the 4th year classes of Cuba’s School Grouping. This initiative, which aims to promote human rights through fairy tales,…
This activity, part of the development of the RIGHTS project and the commemoration of the international month of school libraries, promoted a playful approach to human rights through a dramatized…
Output 03 – How to manage non formal educational activities in class
OUTPUT 03 - How to manage non formal educational activities in classroom